My trainings are not trainings in the traditional sense. It’s not about learning a method or pro-actively doing something. It’s not about channeling or transmitting energies. It’s about a state of being. It’s about deep presence. It’s about sacred space holding. It’s about the power of going within. It’s about reconnecting and strengthening the connection to your SONA© – your unique soul frequency. The sound of your soul. 

words of love

SONA© can be expressed in many ways. Through the physical body (movement), through the voice (singing, words), through inner stillness. In essence SONA© is art. It is always a creative process. Also words of love are an expression of SONA©.

Life force. Soul flow.

Through the reconnection to your SONA© life force energy – as in every creative process – is being awakened. However I don’t work with this energy directly, it is simply part of the process. This allows the energy to flow naturally without any transmission from the outside. It awakens in reSONAnce with your own soul flow. The awakening of life force energy is a means to an end but not the end goal itself. 

you are a unique sound

In fact there is no end goal in this process. It is about the process itself. It is about living in alignment with your SONA© your unique soul frequency. It is about cultivating a lifestyle and not taking a magic pill. It is about expressing the sound of your soul fully and playing the unique note that you have always meant to play in this life. When you align with your SONA© your life aligns with you. You access your innate soul power, becoming the creator of your life. And then hold space for others to do the same.


Next Depth 3 Training will take place October 19-24 in Upper Austria.

To join this training you must have participated in my Depth 1 or 2 Spaces.

It you feel the calling reach out.


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