“I am the aliveness within the realm of death.”
Born to a Korean mother and an Egyptian father in Vienna, Austria, I have been confronted with the question of ‘Who am I’ from my early childhood. While the feeling of being rootless was not easy it also gave me the wings to fly and discover the world. After many years in the corporate world I discovered the wonderful world of Professional Coaching and Consciousness (Soul) work.
My work: Coaching and Consciousness work are about holding spaces where the dark & bright can co-exist. Where ancient magic meets modern vibes. I stand for grounded spirituality – not using it as escape into love & light but as gateway to truly become the creators we are meant to be.
My mantra: Life is not about finding your purpose. It‘s about creating it.
My mission: Guiding people to remember their SONA©. Strengthening the belief that magic exists.